We are the people of Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish, in Brook Park, Ohio, dedicated to following the example of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Scriptures and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. We gather together to celebrate, to share, and to be nourished by the Eucharist. We promote religious education, spiritual growth and moral values by being faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ. To show our love for God and one another, we live our lives committed to the dignity and salvation of each person, and we live our faith through compassion and service to those in need.
Weekday Masses (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) are at 8AM, Weekend Mass 4:30PM on Saturday evening, and Sunday morning at 9AM and 11AM.
Saturday 3:30-4:15PM and by appointment.
THANK YOU for your continued generosity! Your time and treasure are so important to bringing the Gospel to life in the world. Fr. Michael
If you are interested in our on-line giving, contact our parish office at 216.433.1440 and speak with Trish (x21), Monday-Friday 9AM-3PM.
LIVE-STREAMING OF MASSES We will stream and upload the 8AM Masses on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings and the 4:30PM Sunday Vigil to enable our homebound to connect with the parish. For the rest of the week, EWTN telecasts a number of daily Masses, and our Cathedral streams its weekday Masses at 12N. On Sundays, besides the Masses on EWTN, Channel 43 (WUAB-TV) broadcasts two Masses: 8AM and 10AM from our Cathedral. We realize this will be an inconvenience to some folks, but we tried to reach a compromise based on our recent survey. Initially, one possibility was to cut the streaming entirely but we will not do that.
Here's the link to "Q-Tube":
We will also livestream these Masses on our parish Facebook page. You can view the video and other information on this page without being a Facebook member which you can access directly from our parish website mqabrookpark.org or Facebook:
About an hour after Mass concludes, the video will be uploaded to Q-Tube (our parish's YouTube channel). which you can access directly from our parish website: mqabrookpark.org or at "Q-tube" as shown above.
"Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license A-621009. All rights reserved."
- Rev. Michael Petkosek, Administrator
- Rev. James Stenger, Pastor Emeritus
- Rev. Michael Hayduk, Homebound Ministry
- Deacon Frank Wilson, Deacon
- Deacon John Zdolshek (Retired), Deacon
- Debbie Zelinski, Parish Secretary
- Bob Huczel, Administrative & Pastoral Assistant
- Elaine Gaughan, Pastoral Associate
- Trish Solon, PSR & Parish Secretary
- Nancy Richardson, Virtus & Decorations
- Ann Marie Petrik, Sacristan
- Alicia Gresko, Youth Ministry
- Scott Gray, Maintenence
Office Hours
Summer Hours 8:30AM-3PM
Phone: (216) 433-1440
Fax: (216) 433-1434
Email: mqabrookpark@gmail.com
Fr. Michael
Brothers and Sisters,
The human person is made in the image of God, yet the fullness of that image is only seen in the equal and complementary roles of men and women. A man by himself, and a woman by herself, does not reflect the whole image. This is of course most obvious in biology where the reproductive system is the only incomplete system in the human body, needing the right partner to accomplish its purpose. But the differences are not limited to this.
The masculine heart and the feminine genius compliment one another to reflect the glory of God and to accomplish his purpose. They are both incarnations of a part of divine identity and they are both required for the created order to proceed according to God’s plan.
The masculine heart is self-sacrificial. It is most masculine when it is giving of itself in ways big or small for others, most especially a bride. A truly masculine heart dies to itself each day for the sake of the bride—a true love to provide for, protect, and promote. The life and death of Christ are its guide, living for the sainthood of others, even dying when necessary as Christ died for his bride, the Church.
The feminine genius tempers and guides the masculine heart’s drive. She brings order, compassion, and perspective to self-sacrificial love. Every woman, regardless of whether or not she has borne children, is a life bearer. Her guides are the many woman in history, most especially our Blessed Mother, on whom salvation has hinged as she alone was entrusted with a special mission. The feminine genius keeps God’s plan going.
But these incarnations of divine identity—the masculine heart and feminine genius—are not the same. They are equal helpmates of one another that strive to fulfill their God-given purposes. A man’s heart is not designed to do what the woman’s genius is called to accomplish. This is the beauty of God’s design, that together men and women reflect his Image and accomplish his purpose.
This is most commonly accomplished in marriage but is for every man and every woman, regardless of vocation and state in life. And every true vocation follows the same pattern. Configured to Christ through Holy Orders, the Church is my bride. Aligned to Christ through special consecration, he is the bridegroom of every consecrated religious woman.
It is this design that I have in mind for the ministry of our servers. The history of this ministry is that it was a kind-of apprenticeship that helped boys discern the priesthood. God has not stopped calling men to the altar, but with the obvious shortage of priests, it is clear that many priestly vocations are not being answered.
The ministry of altar serving, most fundamentally, is meant to shape the masculine heart, training it for self-sacrificial service as priests, or husbands, or religious brothers… but always as holy men.
But something is missing. What is the counterpart that trains the genius of our girls to be the woman, like Mary Magdalene—the Apostle to the Apostles, who will carry the message of salvation forward in the world? How are we, as a Church, helping them to grow as holy women? This is a very serious question that we need to answer.
Let’s allow our boys and young men to grow together as such by disciplined service at the altar, and let’s fill the void that has been left to our girls—a void the culture tries to fill by telling them to be the same as men. Women are not men. They have their own genius. Let’s help it to flourish
I am seeking a couple volunteers who can help to build a program of service for our girls and young women. Please, if you have the time to give, let’s have the discussion and develop a way to cultivate the feminine genius so that our girls can flourish as wives, mothers, nuns, sisters… life bearers.
In amore Christi, Fr. Michael
FORMED.ORG Picks of the Week:
JOSEPHINE BAKHITA: A STORY OF GOD'S RESCUE Join Sister Imelda as she shares the amazing story of St. Josephine Bakhita, who, after being taken captive and made a slave, finds freedom by giving her life to God.
THE PRESENTATION | EPISODE 5 | MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY: THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES The Presentation is already foreshadowing the Cross. The offering Mary makes at the Presentation in the Temple becomes manifested and reaches its fulfillment at Calvary.
BAKHITA: FROM SLAVE TO SAINT Originally born in Sudan, Josephine was kidnapped by slavers and was eventually sold to a merchant in Italy. By the grace of God, she lived a heroic life of forgiveness and mercy which led her to become a saint.
Our parish has a FORMED subscription. To set-up your free account, visit formed.org/signup and select our parish. There are hundreds of free resources about the Catholic faith.
Catholic Charities
2025 Appeal
Classes are held Monday evenings 6:45-8:15pm (Sept-May)
Contact Trish Solon for more information
216-433-1440 x21
McCafferty Hall
The hall is used for parish functions and events, such as parish dinners sponsored by the Queen's cooks, Night at the Races sponsored by the Holy Name Society, and a Spring Salad Luncheon sponsored by the Ladies Guild.
McMcafferty Hall is not available or rented out for private functions.