We are the people of Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish, in Brook Park, Ohio, dedicated to following the example of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Scriptures and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. We gather together to celebrate, to share, and to be nourished by the Eucharist. We promote religious education, spiritual growth and moral values by being faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ. To show our love for God and one another, we live our lives committed to the dignity and salvation of each person, and we live our faith through compassion and service to those in need.




Weekday Masses (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) are at 8AM, Weekend Mass 4:30PM on Saturday evening, and Sunday morning at 9AM and 11AM.

Saturday 3:30-4:15PM and by appointment.   






THANK YOU  for your generous support of our parish! Your time, treasure, and talent are building the Kingdom of God.  Fr. Michael


If you are interested in our on-line giving, contact our parish office at 216.433.1440 and speak with Trish (x201), Monday-Friday 9AM-3PM.   


LENT 2025

Give God Inroads
Pray * Fast * Give Alms         

Stations of the Cross
Fridays . 6:30pm
(3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11)

Communal Penance
April 14 . St. John Bosco . 7pm
Extended Confessions
April 12 . 2:00-4:15pm



Blessing and Distribution of Palms at all Masses

Masses: Saturday  4:30 p.m.

              Sunday    9 & 11 a.m.


7:00 p.m. Holy Mass of the Lord's Supper

Procession of the Blessed Sacrament,

followed by Adoration until Midnight

Night Prayer at 11:45 p.m.


3:00 p.m. Exultation of the Cross


1:00 p.m. Blessing of Food


The Easter Vigil Mass is the most solemn Mass of the year and is longer than a Sunday Mass with additional readings and Rites of Initiation.


Masses: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.


Friday, April 18 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

Monday, April 21  Office Closed



VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR COMPUTER LIVE-STREAMING Beginning in Lent, we will be live-streaming the 9AM Mass instead of the 4:30PM Mass. If you are interested in volunteering to live-stream the 9AM Mass and then upload it to YouTube/Q-Tube, please either call (216.433.1440 x202) or email (egaughan@mqabrookpark.org). No experience? No worries … you will be trained! Ideally, there will be enough volunteers so that you would only need to be scheduled once a month.



Here's the link to "Q-Tube":

We will also livestream these Masses on our parish Facebook page. You can view the video and other information on this page without being a Facebook member which you can access directly from our parish website mqabrookpark.org or Facebook:

About an hour after Mass concludes, the video will be uploaded to Q-Tube (our parish's YouTube channel). which you can access directly from our parish website: mqabrookpark.org or at "Q-tube" as shown above.

"Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license A-621009. All rights reserved."


Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4PM
Summer Hours 8:30AM-3PM

Phone: (216) 433-1440
Fax: (216) 433-1434
Email: mqabrookpark@gmail.com


  • Sun, Mar 30th

  • Sun, Mar 23rd

Fr. Michael

Brothers and Sisters,

It has been said that, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” When we compare ourselves to others it becomes all too easy to miss the blessings that we have been given. We can start to think that true happiness is found in having a life that is identical to someone else. But, this is never the case! True happiness is found in becoming the person that God has made us to be and flourishing as a saint-in-the-making.

I would also add, “Comparison is the thief of holiness.” If we compare ourselves to others—especially judging ourselves not to be as sinful as another—then we make false exceptions for ourselves that hinder our growth toward sainthood.

It is right, and in fact we are called, to make judgments about objective actions. But we are never to make assumptions about the interior of someone’s heart, even when we see them sinning and rightly offer patient correction.

Part of avoiding such assumptions is not comparing our sins to the sins of others and presuming that we are less sinful or are somehow a better person. Such a  comparison severely detracts from our own holiness. For one, it is sinful itself to do so. But, it can also lead to false assurance of sanctity.

In the Gospel, Jesus makes this point. He warns the people that the misfortune of others was not an indication of their sinfulness being greater than that of the more fortunate and that all were in need of repentance. We are in need of repentance.

We should never judge ourselves as being holier than one another. To do so is sinful and is the thief of the holiness that we are pursuing. As fellow sinners on the path of conversion, we admonish one another gently and encourage each other in holiness.

In amore Christi,

Fr. Michael



FORMED.ORG Picks of the Week:

A BIBLE STUDY ON THE ANNUNCIATION In this video, Dr. Ben Akers leads us through a brief study of Luke 1:26–38, highlighting some of the key Old Testament passages evoked by Gabriel’s words. The reflection concludes with some thoughts on how we can imitate Mary’s Yes in our own life, especially in this time of suffering.


THE ANNUNCIATION | SACRED ART Join Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp as they discuss the spiritual and theological significance of the Annunciation over a piece of Sacred Art by Elizabeth Zelasko that depicts this incredible scene.


THE ANNUNCIATION: HAIL MARY Join Ms. Kim as she discusses devotion to Mary and the significance of Mary's "yes." All the while, you will learn new drawing techniques as you draw the Annunciation.


Our parish has a FORMED subscription. To set-up your free account, visit formed.org/signup and select our parish.  There are hundreds of free resources about the Catholic faith.





The Spring Spirit Drive is here! Listen in on Tuesday, March 25 through Friday, March 28 and join Debbie Georgianni, Chaplain Father Doug Brown, The Rock team, and other surprise guests as we Celebrate 10 Years of Catholic Radio! As a listener-supported lay apostolate, the station relies on contributions to continue to offer Rock solid Catholic programming. Tune in for great premiums, hourly drawings, and much more. You don’t have to wait for the Pledge Drive to support Catholic radio.  Visit www.am1260therock.com and click on the orange “Donate Now” tab in the upper right corner or call us at 216.227.1260. Catholic radio has changed lives and converted hearts. Thank you for your generous support!!

Catholic Charities

2025 Appeal



Classes are held Monday evenings  6:45-8:15pm (Sept-May)

Contact Trish Solon for more information

216-433-1440 x201


McCafferty Hall

The hall is used for parish functions and events, such as parish dinners sponsored by the Queen's cooks, Night at the Races sponsored by the Holy Name Society, and a Spring Salad Luncheon sponsored by the Ladies Guild.
McMcafferty Hall is not available or rented out for private functions.